Hypersonic and High Temperature Gas Dynamics

Parent resource - Good Books On Aerodynamics

By John David Anderson
ISBN_10 156347459X, ISBN_13 9781563474590

This book is a self-contained text for those students and readers interested in learning hypersonic flow and high-temperature gas dynamics. It assumes no prior familiarity with either subject on the part of the reader. If you have never studied hypersonic and/or high-temperature gas dynamics before, and if you have never worked extensively in the area, then this book is for you. On the other hand, if you have worked and/or are working in these areas, and you want a cohesive presentation of the fundamentals, a development of important theory and techniques, a discussion of the salient results with emphasis on the physical aspects, and a presentation of modern thinking in these areas, then this book is also for you. In other words, this book is designed for two roles: 1) as an effective classroom text that can be used with ease by the instructor, and understood with ease by the student; and 2) as a viable, professional working tool for engineers, scientists, and managers who have any contact in their jobs with hypersonic and/or high-temperature flow.

About - Good Books On Aerodynamics

This is a basic list of text books in aerodynamics that I recommend my students to go through as a part of various courses in aerodynamics that I teach through the semesters at the undergraduate and post graduate levels. While there are good books that have been left out, one can think of this as a first list of books on aerodynamics and then venture from there.

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Curated By

Amardip Ghosh  

I am a faculty member in the aerospace engineering department at IIT Kharagpur where I teach courses such as Aircraft Propulsion, Introduction to Aerodynamics, Low Speed Aerodynamics, Supersonic Aerodynamics and Hypersonic Aerodynamics. My research work focuses on SCRAMJET engines, supersonic...

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