Theory of Computational Complexity

Parent resource - Computational Complexity

By Ding-Zhu Du
ISBN_13 9781118594971, ISBN_10 1118594975

Praise for the First Edition "...complete, up-to-date coverage of computational complexitytheory...the book promises to become the standard reference oncomputational complexity." -Zentralblatt MATH A thorough revision based on advances in the field ofcomputational complexity and readers’ feedback, the SecondEdition of Theory of Computational Complexity presentsupdates to the principles and applications essential tounderstanding modern computational complexity theory. The newedition continues to serve as a comprehensive resource on the useof software and computational approaches for solving algorithmicproblems and the related difficulties that can be encountered. Maintaining extensive and detailed coverage, Theory ofComputational Complexity, Second Edition, examines the theoryand methods behind complexity theory, such as computational models,decision tree complexity, circuit complexity, and probabilisticcomplexity. The Second Edition also features recentdevelopments on areas such as NP-completeness theory, as wellas: A new combinatorial proof of the PCP theorem based on thenotion of expander graphs, a research area in the field of computerscience Additional exercises at varying levels of difficulty to furthertest comprehension of the presented material End-of-chapter literature reviews that summarize each topic andoffer additional sources for further study Theory of Computational Complexity, Second Edition, is anexcellent textbook for courses on computational theory andcomplexity at the graduate level. The book is also a usefulreference for practitioners in the fields of computer science,engineering, and mathematics who utilize state-of-the-art softwareand computational methods to conduct research. Athorough revision based on advances in the field of computationalcomplexity and readers’feedback,the Second Edition of Theory of Computational Complexity presentsupdates to theprinciplesand applications essential to understanding modern computationalcomplexitytheory.The new edition continues to serve as a comprehensive resource onthe use of softwareandcomputational approaches for solving algorithmic problems and therelated difficulties thatcanbe encountered.Maintainingextensive and detailed coverage, Theory of ComputationalComplexity, SecondEdition,examines the theory and methods behind complexity theory, such ascomputationalmodels,decision tree complexity, circuit complexity, and probabilisticcomplexity. The SecondEditionalso features recent developments on areas such as NP-completenesstheory, as well as:•A new combinatorial proof of the PCP theorem based on the notion ofexpandergraphs,a research area in the field of computer science•Additional exercises at varying levels of difficulty to furthertest comprehension ofthepresented material•End-of-chapter literature reviews that summarize each topic andoffer additionalsourcesfor further studyTheoryof Computational Complexity, Second Edition, is an excellenttextbook for courses oncomputationaltheory and complexity at the graduate level. The book is also auseful referenceforpractitioners in the fields of computer science, engineering, andmathematics who utilizestate-of-the-artsoftware and computational methods to conduct research.

About - Computational Complexity CS41103 COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credits: 4 (as in cse website) Computational Models (machine models, logic); Problems, computability, Algorithms, Resources, and Complexity; Turing machines (time and space bounds, nondeterminism); Logic (Boolean logic, circuits, first and second order logic); Complexity classes (hierarchy theorem, reachability, P, NP, Co-NP); Reduction and completeness; Randomized computation; Approximability; Cryptography and protocols; Parallel Computation; Polynomial Hierarchy; Logarithmic space; Polynomial space; Exponential time and space. References ========== Christos H. Papadimitriou, Computational Complexity, Addison-Wesley Longman. Michael Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation, PWS Publishing. John E. Hopcroft and Jeffrey D. Ullman, Introduction to Automata, Languages and Computation, Addison-Wesley, 1979. J. Balcazar, J. Diaz, and J. Gabarro, Structural Complexity, Volumes I and II, Springer. Sanjeev Arora and Boaz Barak, Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach.

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Sudebkumar Prasant Pal  

IIT Kharagpur


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